Owner of this private photo website:



Barbara & Harald Kammerlander

6330 Kufstein/ Austria


Email: info.kammerlander@gmail.com

Barbara: +43 (0) 650 4984 609

Harald:   +43 (0) 664 8547001


Urheberrechtserklärung/ Copyright: Nutzung bedarf schriftlicher Genehmigung. This photograph ist an exclusive property of Barbara & Harald Kammerlander - kammerlander.photo - and is protected under Austrian and international copyright laws. The photographs MUST NOT BE DOWNLOADED, reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated projected, used or altered in any way, including without limitation any digitalization or synthesizing of the images, alone or with any other material, by use of computer or other electronic means or any other method or means now or hereafter known, without the written permission of Barbara & Harald Kammerlander and payment of a fee or arrangement there of.